
Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning is unavailable, but you can change that!

Best-selling author and professor Wayne Grudem distills over forty years of teaching experience into a single volume aimed at helping readers apply a biblical worldview to difficult ethical issues, including wealth and poverty, marriage and divorce, birth control, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, business practices, environmental stewardship, telling the truth, knowing God’s will,...

1. Find all the relevant passages. The best tool for this step is a good Bible-search program (or a printed concordance) that will enable a person to look up key words and find the passages in which the subject is treated. For example, in studying a biblical approach to wealth and poverty, one will need to find all the passages containing words such as wealth, wealthy, rich, riches, poverty, and poor. Already this would be a long list, and if the list is too long to be manageable, the student will
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